For discussions on IT Governance and IT Service Management
Proactive or Reactive IT Support for SMB – Computer Monitoring
If you are driving your car along the highway to your next appointment and a warning light comes on, do you ignore it? Do you service your car and other important business equipment when it is due or do you wait for it to break down first? We do not wait for our cars or […]
Can Small Business Afford to Ignore Big Business Process?
Big businesses and corporations in particular spend a large amount of money on designing and implementing IT processes and the tools to support them. They do this to improve the consistency and quality of their IT service delivery and to reduce the overall IT costs. And as IT becomes a larger and larger part of […]
Internet Security in Melbourne in Small Business
Are you spending too much of your valuable time and money on technology with no idea on what value your business is getting out of it? Do you have plans to make better use of technology in your business, but just don’t know where to start or how to make sure you are getting value […]